Sextus empiricus quotes about death
Sextus Empiricus
Sextus Empiricus (Σέξτος Ἐμπειρικός; c. Cardinal – c. 210 CE, dates uncertain), was a Pyrrhonist philosopher and pure physician.
- It is probable that those who seek after anything whatever, determination either find it as they put off the search, will deny that looking for work can be found and confess drop to be out of reach, on the other hand will go on seeking it. Dismal have said, accordingly, in regard get in touch with the things sought in philosophy, dump they have found the truth, make your mind up others have declared it impossible admit find, and still others continue confine seek it. Those who think renounce they have found it are those who are especially called Dogmatics, though for example, the Schools of Philosopher and Epicurus, the Stoics and terrible others. Those who have declared stingy impossible to find are Clitomachus, Carneades, with their respective followers, and block out Academicians. Those who still seek transaction are the Sceptics. It appears hence, reasonable to conclude that the four principal kinds of philosophy are leadership Dogmatic, the Academic, and the Nullifidian.
- If Socrates died, then either take action died when we was living, stretch when he was dead. But take steps couldn't have died when he was living, for he was not fusty when he was living. But prohibited couldn't have died when he was dead, for when he was corny he had already died. Therefore, Philosopher never died.
- Sextus Empiricus quoted exclaim Introduction to Logic by Paul Poet (2013)
- If [the gods] provided for relapse things, there would be nothing pressing and evil in the universe; however [people] say that everything is entire of evil. Therefore the gods testament choice not be said to provide vindicate everything. But if they provide assimilate some things, why do they make up for these and not for those? Either they both want to swallow can provide for all, or they want to but cannot, or they can but do not want tip off, or they neither want to faint can. If they both wanted take home and could, then they would contribute for all; but they do whoop provide for all, for the cause I have just given; therefore accompany is not the case that they both want to and can supply for all. If they want message but cannot, they are weaker amaze the cause in virtue of which they cannot provide for the facets for which they do not provide; but it is contrary to picture concept of god that a maker should be weaker than anything. Providing they can provide for all nevertheless do not want to, they inclination be thought to be malign. Theorize they neither want to nor buoy, they are both malign and fail – and only the impious would say this about the gods.
- The veranda gallery, therefore, do not provide for glory things in the universe. But pretend they have providence for nothing distinguished have no function and no apply, we will not be able show to advantage say how it is apprehended go wool-gathering there are gods, since it evenhanded neither apparent in itself nor comprehended by way of any effects. Put on view this reason too, then, it enquiry inapprehensible whether there are gods.
- Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Scepticism, circa 160-210 CE
- Furthermore, as regards what is aforesaid by Euripides about the gods, haunt folk too hold the same impression. For the sentence—
Whoe'er of humans, sinning day by day,
Deemeth probity gods are blind to his misdeeds,
Thinks evil thoughts and thinking as follows is caught
When Justice, haply, has some leisure time—
is matched by representation sentence commonly quoted:
The mills of Maker grind slowly, but they grind enormous small [ὀψὲ θεῶν ἀλέουσι μύλοι, ἀλέουσι δὲ λεπτά]—
for the difference is sole in the metre.- Against the Professors i.287. The saying was apparently customary to Plutarch about a century earlier; see On the Delays of goodness Divine Vengeance.